Shop Ikuma Canadian Diamonds
Revered for its beauty and quality, our exclusive Ikuma Canadian diamond collection was among the first to offer diamond tracing. Each diamond can be tracked to its source, allowing you to know the day it was unearthed, which mine in Canada it came from, and the details of its cutting and polishing.
Community Empowerment
The discovery of diamonds in the Northwest Territories of Canada brought new opportunities to Diavik's neighbors, most of whom are indigenous Aboriginal communities. By introducing the Diavik mine, they were committed to benefit the local community by providing training and employment; as well as purchasing more than 70 percent of goods and services locally to supply operations at the mine.

Tracked To The Source
Each Ikuma Canadian diamond is laser-engraved with a number that assigns its unique identity. This number allows you to know the unbroken back story of your diamond so you can feel confident in its provenance.

American Gem Society
The AGS Laboratories uses a cut-grading system, based on optical physics and the American Gem Society's proprietary ray-tracing software. This three-dimensional analysis is the ultimate test for evaluating the performance of light in a diamond, which is the cornerstone of the Diamond Quality® Document (DQD). Every Ikuma Ideal Round and Square is graded at the highest level (AGS 0) of light performance.